Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Hey! Try Thinking Before You Speak...or Act"

“Hey , try thinking before you speak…or act!” or “What in the world were you thinking when did that?” is what my parents  would always ask me when I did something that contradicted the morals our family stood for. In  Hanna’s Blog she gives an excellent example of real life consequences that take place when we “run off at the mouth.” She talks about how a former Arkansas School Board Member was making insulting and bias slurs against the gay population. 
I totally agree with Hannah and the intention of her post. No one, no matter how important, popular or loyal should speak without thinking. Doing so can cause contradiction in opinion and job position, not to mention (for politicians) followers that question their decision to put you in office.  It is never acceptable; whether you are Clint McCance, Paul Paladino or the next American Soldier. Thinking before you act or speak is a basic principal that should not have to be discussed with adults. It’s among the simple things you learned in Kindergarten. Anybody who confuses what she was saying with the freedom of speech premise should read again and reconsider what was being said. Freedom of Speech is about protecting us from the government being able to control what we say and believe. That’s why we have clauses about the media or several cases that show our Supreme Court ruling in favor of an American burning a flag. Our soldiers fight for our continual freedom against other countries. 
While nothing is really free, it should be understood that there was a price. Our forefathers paid this in the war against the British. We gained “the freedom of speech right” when they won and decided to steer our country. However there is maintenance that is required. I am sure our forefathers did not risk their lives in their attempt to properly navigate America, for us to have insulting and degrading “freedom of speech” to our fellow Americans.
I was once taught that when debating, if the common goal between the two parties was not to educate as an end result, get out of it. Well I propose the same thing to America when it comes to “Freedom of Speech.” If the common goal behind your opinion is not to spark thought, draw ones attention to a problem, or overall enhance, Shut up!

Monday, November 1, 2010

What is our National Religion?

The US National Religion

The question is often asked “What is the US National Religion?” or “Do we have a national religion?” Some reply that we do not have one; while others say it’s Christianity. I plan to show that we do have a national religion and it does contradict our freedom.
Before getting too deep into this there are points to consider to understand this topic. One, we live in a country that defends the freedom of religion. Our Constitution clearly states that government cannot enforce religion on anyone. Two, Religious beliefs will vary the way you see regulations, laws and politics. Take the subject of abortion… Need I say more? And three, our country may contradict itself any and every time that it says we DO have freedom of religion.
According to Webster’s Dictionary, religion is an institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices. That definition describes Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and most other known religions. Religions have characteristics and practices that define them. They  have congregants,  hiearchy,  traditions(ceremony and rituals), a code(practices), reward and punishment, a symbol  and they have a text or a scroll to reference…So does the United States Government; It has a following or congregants, you and I. The government has hierarchy, the house of reps, the President. It has traditions, like the star spangled banner being played before every game, it has  symbols like the American flag. There is a code of practices and a text to refer to, that would be the constitution. Did I mention it has ways to generate “Offerings?”
Who would have thought that America would protect your freedom of religion while indirectly forcing one down your throat. As long as you are in the US you will practice certain ways and abide by the law (code), (or you will deal with punishment). You will pay taxes (offering). You will take your hat off during the national anthem (traditions). You will respect and follow the proper chain of command (hierarchy). And when it comes to your rights you will refer to the constitution (text).
Yes, our constitution protects our right to worship anyway we want.  But does our country really understand the consequences of freedom of religion while living in the US. That is what it generally comes down to. Generally speaking Christians disagree with abortion, while another religion may believe it is the mother’s choice.  There is a long pipe line that this has to travel through, but you can get the big picture that if there is an election and abortion is the topic of matter votes began to get swayed. Generally speaking there is another can of worms that’s opened when dealing with issues, candidates and personal beliefs.
There is so much freedom our country gives, but there is a valuable amount of compromising that is required of you.