Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Homosexuals or Violence

     An editorial in The Washington Post from October 12, 2010 headlines “Politicians Help Fuel Climate of Hate Against Gays and Lesbians.” I don’t know about you, but that kind of title definitely catches the eye. In this editorial the author reaches every anti-republican, homosexual and gay rights activist and joins them all together. 
The story is replayed of how two 17- year-old boys and a 30 year old man were kidnapped and sexually tortured in the Bronx because they are gay. While this bit of information is heart wrenching and sickening at the same time, it doesn’t began to compare to the statement of Republican governor candidate, Carl Paladino, made in a speech he gave on Sunday.
     “That’s not how God created us… I just think my children and your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family, and I don’t want them brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally and valid successful option—it isn’t.”—Carl Paladino(The Washington Post)

     While I have my own beliefs as to how life was intended to be when it comes to the subject of homosexuality, I do not have the right to imply or assume that “my children and your children would be better off ” if they weren’t homosexual. However the author does ask a challenging question. “Where do bullies get their ammunition, the hurtful slurs that eat away at the self esteem of those who are gay or lesbian?” “One source,” he says is politicians like Carl Paladino.

     I agree and disagree with the author here. I agree that it not only shows your bias as a republican candidate, it also shows your lack of maturity and respect for human life. If republican candidate Paladino was the father of one of the 17 yr olds  would he have the same beliefs ? Or would he be a bit more understanding(hypocritical)?  
While I also don’t believe that God created us to be attracted to the same sex, I do believe that the same God was grieved by what happened to those three gentlemen.
     I disagree that politicians are one of the greatest sources of fuel for these hate crimes. I believe the media is the mafia king in the light of these crimes. From cop television shows to newspaper articles like this one, the media helps the idea of these crimes develop for some and give ammunition for others. Why are we concerned with homosexuality being a way of life while violence has proven to take life? We are not talking about Hussein's or Bin Laden's beliefs vs America's beliefs! Those were harmful to the point of death. We are talking about a sexual preference. We all have our own opinions as to how things are supposed to be. What we DO NOT HAVE is the right to harm one based on their lifestyle choices (especially if it’s not a matter of life and death).

Monday, October 4, 2010

Troops or Democrats?

"What kind of commander in chief sends tens of thousands of troops to war announcing in advance a fixed date for beginning their withdrawal? One who doesn't have his heart in it. One who doesn't really want to win but is making some kind of political gesture. One who thinks he has to be seen as trying but is preparing the ground -- meaning, the political cover -- for failure."---Charles Krauthammer

Bloggers in the Opinion Article from The Washington Post Mr. Krauthammer argues that President Obama is heartless when it comes to "The War of Necessity". He also argues the President "is simply a foreign policy novice who didn't understand what this war was about until being given the authority and duty to conduct it -- and then decided it was all a mistake."
Referencing writings from Bob Woodward's new book, he lays a foundation that continually points fingers back to Obama and the Democrats. He leaves one to believe the agenda of the War of Afghanistan was all about the democrats and their position of power during the time of Obama ordering 30,000 troops....He believes it was all "hype"!
According to Bob Woodward Obama admits he cant lose the democratic party. While acknowledging the Democrats were the same party that supported John Kerry and Obama in boldly declaring the Afghan War was the right war, (in two separate presidential campaigns) , he also further defends his position that Obama is faint after assessing the war. The same party who said the war was necessary, is the same party who Obama knows he cannot take with him if he stays in this war.

Mr. Krauthammer does an excellent job of doing more than just "addressing the issue", he challenges you to question if Obama will even try to take the Democratic Party with him, if he has no "Exit Strategy"?